Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] acid, linux
From: Thomas Hudson (
Date: ke joulu 01 1999 - 11:38:52 EST
Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
> also, i note that from my experience this last week porting softwerk
> to GTK (and in some sense, softwerk is kind of like a MIDI-only
> version of Acid) that the core algorithms of these programs are the
> easiest part - writing good user interfaces to control all that power
> is *really, really hard* (and, to be perfectly honest, pretty boring).
Yes, the ui is almost always the hardest part. I'm not a big fan
of the windows ui, but I must admit that the layout of Acid is
very workflow oriented. They integrated a file browser on a
tab at the bottom of the app that allows one to audition loops.
The also implemented scaling for the main subwindow, which is quite
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