Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] News about sequencers (not my own though!)
From: David Olofson (
Date: ma tammi 17 2000 - 23:52:19 EST
On Mon, 17 Jan 2000, David Slomin wrote:
> David Olofson wrote:
> >
> > BTW, the Windoze API encourages building monolithic applications. So
> > does Borland's VCL (Delphi, C++ Builder), perhaps to an even greater
> > extent, but at least, it *can* be used as a nice GUI development
> > tool. (IMHO, "RAD" in Delphi should be "RUID" - Rapid User Interface
> > Design - using the rest of the "cool" stuff can be dangerous...)
> Far be it from me to promote Microsoft's design methodology, but
> having recently done some raw Windows API coding, I feel reasonably
> confident in saying that there is nothing inherent in the Win32 API
> that encourages monolithic applications. Just like with any other
> interface toolkit (GTK, Qt, Motif, etc), it is always wiser to throw
> the computational guts of the program into a separate library with a
> well-defined programmatic interface, rather than mixing it in with
> any GUI code. Windows, for all its faults, has very nice support for
> shared libraries, and static ones are also readily available.
Hmm... I guess it's the MFC stuff, and in particular, the example
code (*aaargh!*) I'm thinking about. Even the Win16 API was pretty
much like any other API, although a bit messy.
> Don't ever let an IDE or other automated GUI builder trick you into
> thinking that it represents the proper or only way to design code.
True; however it's hard to avoid messing up the code when database
access and stuff like that is turned into *visual* elements in the
GUI toolkit! One has to be careful not to be trapped, unable to
modify the UI...
Anyway, I do most work in C and C++ under Linux - so if I hack messy
code, it's my own fault! :-)
.- M u C o S -------------------. .- A u d i a l i t y ----------------.
| A Free/Open Multimedia | | Rock Solid, Hard Real Time, |
| Plugin & Integration Standard | | Low Latency Signal Processing |
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.- D a v i d O l o f s o n ------------------------------------------.
| Audio Hacker, Linux Advocate, Open Source Advocate, Singer/Composer |
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