Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] file sizes and retrofits
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: su helmi� 06 2000 - 10:40:38 EST
> I have a question for you coders: If I want to make an app capable of
>loading and processing large files, what do I look for and replace in
>the current code ?
dave - i don't think there are any general guidelines on this. there
are so many ways that a program could access/load a file that there
are a lot of different possibilities. if a program expects to be able
to load the whole file into memory, for example, its never going to
work unless you have enough swap space and don't mind the speed
penalty of constantly paging to and from swap. by contrast, another
program might only load 4K into memory at any one time, and even that
might be implicit in its use of the stdio routines (fread/fwrite etc.)
if you tell us more about what ceres does when it accesses a file,
some more ideas might be forthcoming.
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