Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] "pro" soundfile editors for linux
From: Paul Barton-Davis (
Date: ma helmi 07 2000 - 22:08:42 EST
>> I don't think you can really do per-track editing. the edits to each
>> track have to happen in the context of the other tracks. an example
>You can always have the mixdown program open in another window, so
>you can immediately check how your changes affect the overall mix.
Kai - try to see ProTools in action at some point. As my studio friend
Jim said yesterday "I didn't really see what all the hype about
ProTools was for, until I saw that guy move the ghatam hit on that
last take".
What you're describing sounds fine to me coming from a Linux audio
background. However, it sucks bigtime compared to the kinds of
interfaces that Steinberg and DigiDesign and others have come up with.
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