Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] "pro" soundfile editors for linux
From: Kai Vehmanen (
Date: ti helmi 08 2000 - 07:10:40 EST
On Mon, 7 Feb 2000, Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
>>You can always have the mixdown program open in another window, so
> Kai - try to see ProTools in action at some point. As my studio friend
Or maybe not. I have a small collection of pro-software screenshots
and looking at them really depresses me sometimes. ;)
> What you're describing sounds fine to me coming from a Linux audio
> background. However, it sucks bigtime compared to the kinds of
> interfaces that Steinberg and DigiDesign and others have come up with.
And of course, this is a question of motivation and working habits.
I could use Cubase/Cakewalk/CooleditPro/whatever, but ecasound is
enough for me at the moment. And when a simple (G)UI is sufficient,
why make things complicated. But of course, this is just me. I'm sure
many of you need audio sequencing and multitrack editing.
-- Kai Vehmanen <> -------- CS, University of Turku, Finland . - linux multitrack audio processing . - ambient-idm-rock-... mp3/ra/wav
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