Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] New subscriber
From: David Slomin (
Date: la helmi 26 2000 - 19:00:56 EST
Juhana Sadeharju wrote:
> >From: Bruce Forsberg <>
> >
> >It is called the Open Source Audio Library Project and is
> >
> Look extensively at other audio libraries and offer the same features
> plus plenty of more. Too often it is heard "but my library is not
> intended to be a general library, it is only for this and that purpose".
> I would like to read here what your library is intended for.
> What would be in the 1.0 version? Why yet another library?
> What's wrong with others? (What are those other libraries?)
First off, Bruce, welcome to the list! I'm sure Juhana didn't mean
to sound so negative right off the bat. It's great that you're
making the effort to contribute to the Linux audio software scene,
and we definitely appreciate it. After all, when you write free
software, there's never anybody forcing you to do it.
That said, Juhana does have a valid point. There's been a fair
bit of discussion on the list about the shortage of programmers,
and how we'd all collectively acheive more if there was less
duplication of effort. Nobody can force you to join their
project rather than pursuing your own, but we can open your
eyes to alternatives you might not have known about before.
Div. (composer, arranger, iconoclastic MIDI programmer, and now
the welcome wagon man)
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