Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] New subscriber
From: Bruce Forsberg (
Date: su helmi 27 2000 - 01:24:49 EST
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
On 2/26/00, 11:28:46 AM, Juhana Sadeharju <> wrote
regarding Re: [linux-audio-dev] New subscriber:
> >From: Bruce Forsberg <>
> >
> >It is called the Open Source Audio Library Project and is
> >
> Look extensively at other audio libraries and offer the same features
> plus plenty of more. Too often it is heard "but my library is not
> intended to be a general library, it is only for this and that
> I would like to read here what your library is intended for.
> What would be in the 1.0 version? Why yet another library?
> What's wrong with others? (What are those other libraries?)
Thanks for the comments. I got into Linux about 3-4 years ago and
audio type stuff has always been a hobby of mine. When I looked at
support 3-4 years ago it was lousy. Sox, and a few other programs was
all there was. I must admit I am not in the "inner circle" of Linux
hackers and don't really know what is going on. I looked at freshmeat
and did not really see any audio libraries at all. I still don't.
let me know what libraries exist. I generally don't surf the net. I
the internet boring.
The one thing that upsets me is the number of people who are writing
just applications (ie think how useful sox whould be if they wrote it
a library) and not creating libraries or writing stuff for
window environments like KDE or GNOME. I wanted to write audio
applications for Linux so I could pursue my hobby but did not find
what I wanted. So I
decided to write my own. I felt it was best to write a library so all
could use it if they desired. If someone can write a better
with my library then I can then more power to them.
I have been contacted by a few groups and asked to join but they are
interested in games and midi type development which I have no
interest. I am interested in developing a library that application
who are writing non-audio apps can use to add audio capability to
apps with little effort. An example would be Star Office. I don't
believe their presentation manager supports audio like MS Office. A
library would make it easy for them if they decided to do so. The
library is
not designed for people who want to write an audio player. I feel that
if Linux is to survive then we must build libraries that Businesses
use to write their apps. That of course means that we Open Source
developers will get screwed while they get rich but I accept that. I
just want to use an Open Source OS.
As far as what will be in the initial 1.0 version. I don't know. I am
building the core pieces. Once I get the core pieces done, I will
start work
on the test applications and this will give me an idea as to what
should go
in the 1.0 release. Please understand this library is not just about
and writing audio files. That will be a small portion. There are some
unique features in my library. One is the
sample rate converter. It provides filtering and thus eliminates any
problems. It will also convert any sample rate to another. No M/N
stuff. Another
is the timer record class. It is used in the player test app. It
allows you to
program just like a VCR for audio. I use it to record mp3's to files
playing no my portable mp3 player. I listen to a Old Time Radio radio
station and
can record to mp3's. It will even split into multiple files as it is
based on file size. It
also is object oriented. The core part I talked about earlier is the
base class and aflibChain. These will contain a lot of smarts. To add
to this
library individuals will be able to focus on just their algorithm and
not have
to worry about how data is aligned or stored or that.
Bruce Forsberg
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