Subject: [linux-audio-dev] sample caching!!
From: Juhana Sadeharju (
Date: la maalis 04 2000 - 14:06:38 EST
Hello. Good news! I found following from, Deja News, with
power search "audio & memory & play & instant".
Well, is this ok or what? Date is 1995, i.e., two years earlier than
the Gigasampler patent.
>> Forum:
Subject: Re: Why buy a digital transport?
Date: 04/12/1995
Author: Mark Brindle <>
: It seems an ultimate transport
: would have a 4x CDROM reading the whole disk onto a hard disk
: so I could random access the audio data. Now I know that the
: CD "standard" has some language about un-buffered reading...
: but in fact the data must be buffered for the error correction
: algorithm. So with a 4xCDROM ( 250$/unit), a scsi2 500MB HD
: ( $450/unit ), a digital out circut and microcontroler ( $100/unit
: and some enginering and programing time -- you could easly create
: a totaly error free transport system which would alow random play
: near ( sub 10ms ) access to any audio on the cd-rom ??
You've just described a hard-disk recorder. But, if you want
to save some money, and you don't plan to edit the music, you
could get by without the hard drive. Substitute a few megs of
RAM; and if you need *INSTANT* access, cache the first second
of every "cut" in memory -- then, you could start playing any track
with only a few microseconds delay. Of course, anything
quicker than about 50ms seems instantaneous to mere mortals.'s "only" software,
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