Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Re: [alsa-devel] Re: we need a volunteer to ...
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Fri Apr 28 2000 - 15:27:58 EEST
>I can document my progress and develop it into a tutorial.
>Furthermore, I have been wanting to develop an all-software
>version of the Lexicon JamMan digital looping echo with improved
>features. I haven't really seen anything like this, but let me know
>if anyone has done something similar.
Its not really relevant, but I did do some work writing a module
called "Fripp" for Quasimodo. I stopped working on it when I realized
that it needed a lot more controllability than I was willing to put
into it at that time. As it stands, it does a *very, very* simple
thing - digital looping playback of any length, with a trigger. One
Day In The Glorious Future, I hope to make it more complete.
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