Re: [linux-audio-dev] lowish-latency patch and toolchain

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] lowish-latency patch and toolchain
From: Jay Ts (
Date: Mon Jul 10 2000 - 23:03:18 EEST

> Jay Ts wrote:
> > Tom wrote:
> >> and generally avoiding anything that might cause the OS to become
> >> too busy while we are actually recording.
> >
> > That pretty much describes why I'd rather be using Linux than either Mac
> > or Windows. ;-) Really, I can't believe how many Mac users have told me
> > that it's ok for the system to crash, because they can just reboot! Apple
> > or Apple culture apparently has conditioned them to accept frequent
> > rebooting as the Apple Way of Life.
> "It is not necessary to blow someone else's candle out to make your own
> shine brighter"

Sorry, I didn't mean to knock Apple; it's just that I'm not satisfied by
Windows or MacOS, and I want Linux to be a lot better.

> If Linux could deliver what MacOS *does right now* and *has being doing for
> two or three years* in my studio - I'd use it - and I'm doing my best to
> work towards achieving that.

Yep; I'm using Win98 (with occasional reboots and OS reinstallations!) for
the same reason. I'm hoping to get into software development mode to make
some good Linux sound apps soon, but that's later. Hopefully by then I'll
be running a low-latency Linux 2.4 kernel. Less than 10 ms of latency
at least...

> Knocking a good current working solution is not a way of achieving anything
> - better to look at its good points and try and incorporate them in what we
> are doing with Linux.

If I had a Mac, I'd be doing that. For now, I'm finding a lot in Win98
software that I'd also like to have in Linux music/audio/sound apps.

> It is simply rubbish to say that "frequent re-boots are a way of life" for
> Apple users. Maybe several years ago it was true... but not since 8.1.x

If you don't have to reboot, then I'd say you're lucky, because I've seen
OS 8 hang up and crash on occasions when I was visiting my friend who is
pretty knowledgeable (for a Mac user) and is using his 3rd generation of
Mac. And that was when he was only running Internet apps at the time.

- Jay

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