Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Re: EVO-Linux Physical Modeling HD Sampler
From: Paul Kellett (
Date: Tue Jul 18 2000 - 21:27:33 EEST
> Would it be ok to implement a feature which when you release
> a certain note, it starts up a new voice-set , and quickly fades
> out the playing ones (or alternatively you can stop them abruptly) ?
Akai samplers have a 'loop until release' mode - when the key
is released looping is switched off so the sample continues from it's
current position to the end. This lets you have a 'clunk' at the end
of a sample, although if the loop is long you can't tell exactly when
the clunk will happen (though this can be got round using another
voice with a short silent loop at the start also in 'loop until
release' mode.
For a software sampler it's probably more easier to allow note-off
messages to trigger samples, but 'loop until release' is
still useful to have.
> Obviously the voices will be routable through a FX section
> (the FXes should be loadable plugins) , with dry/wet parameter.
There are 3 ways I'd want to use plug-ins:
- Global effects: with send level controls at keymap level.
(something like a piano only needs a reverb send at patch level
but a drum kit might want different levels on each sound).
- Patch inserts: for processing all voices in a patch, for example
compressing a drum kit.
- Voice inserts: for adding functionality not included in the
standard playback algorithm, for example ring modulation.
Depending on the structure 'Bus inserts' might also be wanted for
processing several patches.
This can be represented (in the editor, and maybe in the file
format) as a tree where inserts can be applied at any node:
| |-Keymap
| -Keymap
| |-Keymap
| -Keymap
(Where I say keymap I mean one keymap table entry - I think concepts
like layers should be left to the editor as the engine just wants a
list of what conditions trigger which entries).
One could also wonder if the outputs of global effects should be
allowed to be placed anywhere in the tree so they can be processed
by an insert, sent to a separate hardware output, etc.
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