Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Realtime restrictions when running multipleaudioapps .. Was: Re: disksampler ...
From: David Olofson (
Date: Wed Jul 19 2000 - 08:07:35 EEST
On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, Benno Senoner wrote:
> Visit a recording studio, and see how many folks are running their
> toy audio apps during serious recording.
I always turn that bogus Windoze sounds off on my DAWs, and I'm not
running a pro studio. The biggest problem is that Windoze doesn't
understand that you NEVER, EVER play a sound FX at "normal" volume
through a studio audio interface... H*ll, even my alarm clock is a
more pleasant surprize than that!
> the consumer stuff and the pro stuff are COMPLETELY separate issues.
Yeah, but some users might find it cool to be able to use pro and
consumer apps together, or at least switching between them without
swapping system config. Not a big problem, though.
> speaking in windows terms: nobody is going to need to install VST hosts/plugins,
> Rewire etc in order to listen at mp3s with winamp.
> And while using Cubase , winamp does not work.
> unacceptable ?
Can't say I ever needed to run WinAmp at the same time as an audio
sequencer or editor... Swapping between them is actually rather
essential though, or rather, swapping between hard RT and soft RT
apps. (SoundForge is soft RT, and still one of the most popular apps
in studios! [Actually, one of very few reasons to have a PC in a
studio, rather than a Mac.] Hard RT != Pro, obviously.)
Anyway, it should be obvious by now that we could pretty easily make
soft RT apps run at the same time as hard RT apps, if someone really
wants that as well. It actually makes some sense, if you can route
the audio to/from those soft RT apps through the hard RT
NOTE: By "soft RT", I mean not only apps that have lower demands on
scheduling reliability, but also apps that simply use enough
buffering to be reliable without hard RT scheduling, such as
various not-so-interactive audio file players.
.- M u C o S --------------------------------. .- David Olofson ------.
| A Free/Open Multimedia | | Audio Hacker |
| Plugin and Integration Standard | | Linux Advocate |
`------------> -' | Open Source Advocate |
.- A u d i a l i t y ------------------------. | Singer |
| Rock Solid Low Latency Signal Processing | | Songwriter |
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