Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] MTC, SMPTE, etc.
From: Benno Senoner (
Date: Thu Jul 20 2000 - 20:13:31 EEST
Just keep in mind that one of the goals for the professional MIDI users,
will be low MIDI jitter.
We face basically the same problems in the low latency audio case,
and one of the few ways to achieve this will be the use the rtsoundserver
This poses new questions like what kind of API to use.
MIDIshare or the ALSA sequencer API are the candidates which come in mind.
And with SMPTE timing is even more an issue , so we have to try to get out the
most of the OS and avoid too many communication layers between threads as
much as possible.
On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Iain Sandoe wrote:
> Thu, Jul 20, 2000, Dave Phillips wrote:
> [..]
> >
> > From my own POV, I'm disappointed that I can't use the advanced features
> > of my nice dual-port MIDI interface (a Music Quest MQX32M). OSS/Linux
> > supports the card, but apparently not completely. In fact, I don't think
> > I've yet seen any Linux support for intelligent mode MIDI interfaces. Big
> > bummer, since my studio gear is all MIDI-fied.
> >
> > I'm just rambling/rumbling here, but I'm interested in other opinions on
> > the subject. Anyone want to add a peseta or two ??
> I was equally dismayed (and it has slowed me down a bit - well coding is
> doing that too :-)...
> However, Benno told me that the AMT8 is supported (he suggested a check over
> the ALSA archives)...
> I'm also interested in MTP or Studio-4 drivers + the possibility of
> implementing OMS-like high level functions...
> It will be essential to have these facilities to get complete integration -
> what's the point in using up all that disk space & I/O bandwidth to
> reproduce something that can be stored in a 32kbit data stream?
> not pesetas... but nevertheless £0.02 :-)
> Iain.
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