Re: [linux-audio-dev] MidiShare Linux

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] MidiShare Linux
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Thu Jul 20 2000 - 19:17:16 EEST

In message <>you write:
>Hello. Would you please describe how lilo/fifo whatever are implemented
>in MidiShare? I don't want to dig too deeply to MidiShare code because
>I'm merely interested in algorithms which can be used in any implementation.

Then you should go do a search of the HUGE body of existing lock free
data structure research that has been done in the CS world over the
last 10-15 years (or more). This is not a trivial matter, although it
does seem as though there is slowly a consenus emerging on the right
ways to tackle the problems, somewhat similar to what happened with
thread systems about 5-8 years ago.

>So, please lets discuss about these topics in LAD, and lets refer less to
>existing implementations and papers.

This is completely ridiculous. Those papers and those implementations
embody a huge amount of work, and it can't be duplicated by a few
emails back and forth on LAD. If you haven't read those papers, you'd
better start there (the GRAME paper will have good references), and
then come back with specific questions.

I am sorry if I sound intemperate, but it seems crazy to me to suggest
that we distill a major research effort down to an email conversation.


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