Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] new apple platform viability (snd)
From: Bill Schottstaedt (bil_AT_ccrma.Stanford.EDU)
Date: Mon Jul 24 2000 - 16:14:34 EEST
> snd uses 45% (!!) of CPU
This was (probably) a result of the addition of the use-sinc-interp
switch; I forgot to turn off some debugging stuff in one version
of Snd.
> Do you use a threaded approach ?
Not currently.
> do you keep a low res version of the wave in memory?
Yes (but it's got enough points that as far as I know
you never get a lower resolution view than you would
otherwise -- both are limited by the available pixels).
On the moving marker business, my experience was that
if the marker is updated too often, you get dropouts.
from Paul:
> my concerns have to do with the GUI,
> which is extremely useful for an emacs user and seasoned snd user, and
> very unhelpful to a novice
I don't disagree, but being the first, it's hard for me to
tell what will trip the second -- feedback from annoyed users
is very helpful! (But, as I guess is obvious, the GUI is
not my primary interest -- I still haven't finished the Gtk+
port -- I sit down saying "today I fix the damned thing", and
I wake up an hour later with an aching neck).
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