Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Re: status of ll-patch ?
From: Andrew Morton (
Date: Tue Jul 25 2000 - 02:00:42 EEST
Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
> hello lad folk, hello andrew !
> how is the ll-patch going ?
Hi, Jörn.
I sent the patch to Linus two weeks ago. No merge, no reply. I queried
him about it two days ago. No reply.
I could rant on about him having the project management and people
leadership skills of an asthmatic cumquat, but I would never do that.
It's not looking good. This mystifies me because the patch was designed
to precisely fulfil some guidelines he laid down on lkml.
No, the patch isn't on - it should be.
I saw a patch fly past a few days ago which would result in mine not
applying - trivial change but I do need to update it. This is a hard
thing because I'm stuck on the wrong continent with a win95 laptop :(
I'll get an update out this weekend.
Yes, we do need more testing and lots of glowing success reports sent to
lkml. This may be what Linus is looking for. I dunno. I had hoped
that Paul B-D would have got some serious testing results out into
public by now (hint). I need to run some additional benchmarks to show
that there is no negative impact - lmbench, bonnie, iozone, ...
On the upside, if it is rejected (but why? grr.) then becomes an
offstream patch and its scope can be expanded to cover off on any other
hotspots which may pop up - the design criterion of keeping it small and
non-intrusive is no longer applicable. But I don't want to go overboard
because who knows, a distributor may choose to pick it up.
I've attached here the latest patch - it'll apply against test5-pre2 or
pre3 or pre4. But that zap_page_range patch which went past may break
pre5 (when it comes out).
Warning: the attached patch may have carriage returns (0x0d) in it.
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