[linux-audio-dev] 2.2.16-lowlatency kernel RPMs availabe !

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Subject: [linux-audio-dev] 2.2.16-lowlatency kernel RPMs availabe !
From: Benno Senoner (sbenno_AT_gardena.net)
Date: Tue Jul 25 2000 - 14:20:31 EEST

good news for the newbies among the lowlatency fans:

Thanks to Udo Jocher (udo_AT_udoj.org) a friend of mine, we have now
easy to install 2.2.16 redhat kernels with the lowlatency patch applied.
(only the UP version are available because Ingo's patches do not improve
the situation on SMP boxes)
Udo basically applied Ingo's 2.2.15 patch and backed out a part which was
already present.
Notice that Ingo's patch causes unresolved symbol errors on a few modules
which are NFS and ipmasq related, so these features will probably not work.

I am writing this mail using the above kernel while a latencytest session is
just running, so it seems stable to me. :-)

the kernel RPMs are here: (with links to Udo's site)


Plus it contains a short LILO tutorial for newbies.

If Suse / Debian / Mandrake people are listening , can you please
try to apply Ingo's 2.2.15 patch http://people.redhat.com/mingo/lowlatency-patches
to your distro's 2.2.16 kernels and make RPMs / DEBs ?
Please Email me so I can link them from our page so that users of other
distro's can have easy to install lowlatency kernels too.

Jörn, Paul Winkler: please update the linuxdj.com page !


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