[linux-audio-dev] latencytest 0.42 with PNG support released

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Subject: [linux-audio-dev] latencytest 0.42 with PNG support released
From: Benno Senoner (sbenno_AT_gardena.net)
Date: Tue Jul 25 2000 - 18:53:54 EEST


Chris Baugher sent me a patch (thanks Chris) for latencytest in order to
support PNG.
So if you got compilation errors because your libgd does not support
GIF anymore, use this version please.


I just finished to compile 2.4.0-test5-pre4 + Andrew-lowlatency ,
so the latencytests on this kernel should follow in a couple of hours.

Andrew: read below why I think that 2.4 lowlatency patches
(not the ones accepted by linus but the kludgeized ones)
should deliner Ingo-paches-like performance.
Swapping my occur on a highly loaded multimedia system,
and no one can guarantee that other apps (not our killer
multimedia app) does not make heavy use of mmap().

The 2.2.16-lowlatency RPM I posted today works great,
and, I stressed the disksampler for this purpose:

PII400 + 256MB RAM

- started a small app which mlocks 128MB and then sleeps
for infinite time, in order to increase the memory pressure.
- my usual 10 xterms , 10-15 netscape windows , kmail
- compilation of the 2.4-test kernel
- find /
- about 60MB of ulilized swapaea

disksampler was running with 35MB of mlocked mem

and I tried my usual triggering of 20 voices (my MIDI keyboard
 does not seem to be able to manage more than 20 active notes)

I hoped at least that the disk stream dropped out
 (256KB buffers = 3sec latencies per track), but no I was unable
to generate the "associated stream not ready" message.

nice nice .....


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