Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Archives?
From: Dave Phillips (
Date: to maalis 09 2000 - 18:51:47 EST
Greetings to all:
By all means, please feel free to do anything to promote LAD. There's
no particular reason for my page to be the sign-on point, and I'm sure
someone can get the word out better than I'm able at this time. If the
page site changes, I can always just point to the new place from the old
To all who responded re: the mail: I'll be happy to provide all my
back LAD mail as soon as a site is decided upon. Just let me know...
== Dave Phillips
Paul Winkler wrote:
> Kai Vehmanen wrote:
> > Btw2; What about a LAD home page (or putting more info to
> > Links to LADSPA, MuCoS,
> > LAQ-howto, Benno's latency pages, etc...
> I love when there are projects on the list that are within my skill
> level... especially when there's 'real work' I can avoid doing.
> Dave, I hope it's OK if I start with your LAD subscription page and
> modify from there?
> I'll add links to anything that seems relevant.
> BTW, I have as the current home for the
> LAQ-HOWTO, but there's no reason a LAD links page shouldn't go there
> too...
> ................ paul winkler ..................
> slinkP arts: music, sound, illustration, design, etc.
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