Subject: [linux-audio-dev] 20 msec
From: Maurizio DE CECCO (
Date: pe maalis 10 2000 - 09:50:24 EST
[Ops, lost the original poster]
>Latency: - is a performance issue (only - I think) there are solutions to
>record/playback systems: Note:
>- It takes 2ms for sound to get from a typical floor monitor to your ear.
>- It takes sound 23ms to get from one end of my studio to the other (this is
>a little disconcerting when playing the piano at one end).
Exactly, and it are precisely those 23 ms that you brain use to have
an idea of your studio size.
Imagine using a Linux machine as a reverb (let's say using jMax :),
those 23 ms would be added to the reverb predelay, and reduce
your ability to control the mix.
And yes, those 23 ms make a difference to your ear ...
This is one of the reason input-output latency should be reduced as much
as possible.
-- Maurizio De Cecco MandrakeSoft
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