Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Re: LADSPA GUI [was: New LADSPA Version - Issues Resolved?]
From: Juhana Sadeharju (
Date: pe maalis 10 2000 - 11:51:22 EST
>From: Benno Senoner <>
>allow more than one main GUI thread which handles all GUI issues
>for the plugins.
Sounds good. But we yet to have to solve the problem that a GTK (say) level
meter should have larger priority than any other GUI task.
I have planned to have one service which gets all GUI requests and
which routes the commands to GUIs.
If nothing is done for this, then a slider move, a waveform graphing
(whatever) could jam level meters. If necessary, too much delayed
GUI requests (such as waveform graphing) should simply removed
from the queue.
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