Subject: Re: [ardour-dev] Re: [linux-audio-dev] Ardour : features page
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Sun Oct 15 2000 - 21:32:13 EEST
>however, if somebody does resize the entire set of pixmaps, could
>they be included in the distribution, so that the user can choose
>the optimum screen resolution ?
>imho it would be nice if ardour had two or more directories like
>pixmaps/1024x768, pixmaps/1200x1024 etc, and an .rc file or a menu
>option to select one (maybe it could default to the current x
>resolution [i'm sure there must be a way of finding it out - xlib ?]
>, i.e. assume that the user wants to run it full-screen).
>does this make sense ?
I would be very happy to include scaled pixmaps and rc files (assuming
somebody else makes them :)
However, I don't think I want to make this run-time selectable, since
the location of the pixmaps and the rc file is already defined by the
Ardour rc file. Whenever we get guileconfig back to being capable of
supporting cmdline args again, you could also do this from the cmdline:
ardour --ui-rc-file=whatever --pixmap-path=1024x768
Still, I agree that a short-hand for this might be a good idea:
ardour --screen=1024x768
There are reasons why you might want to use the 1200x1024 images even
on a smaller display, and making this be handled automatically at run
time would tend to prevent that. I suppose it could be overridden from
the cmdline.
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