Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Re: Controlling ardour via serial
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Tue Oct 17 2000 - 21:34:12 EEST
>> there is no theoretical difficulty in getting it to work without X. if
>> i've learnt enough lessons from Quasimodo and Softwerk, it should just
>> be a case of writing a new UI class that does almost nothing (though
>> it would take care of your metering idea), changing the makefile
>> around, and recompiling.
>Presumably the ui class would do the serial talking? The word class makes
>me nervous though, I've never done any c++, and I don't plan to.
well, there doesn't *have* be a UI class at all. but you need
something that will invoke various things at the user's request, and
presumably display certain information to the user. right now, the UI
class is based on Gtk--, and so it communicates via the X protocol. in
your case, yes, i would imagine that you'd need something that could
communicate via the serial line.
it doesn't have to C++ per se, but it does need to be compiled by a
C++ compiler, because its going to have to invoke C++ member functions
of the other objects (like the Tape, MultiChannelDevice and so on).
>> OTOH, just as with "server-quasimodo", you'd have to implement some
>> kind of command-line language to be able to initiate those things that
>> you can only use the GUI for right now (e.g. loading a tape
>> primarily).
>I was thinking of doing that sort of thing with sysex, I guess that the
>"tapes" are just directories? In which case I can just export a list of
>tapes to the palmtop, and you can pick them from a menu.
sure, that could work, although right now, Ardour doesn't have a
concept of listening to MMC or sysex until a tape is loaded.
>IIRC MMC doesn't have any way of expressing meter values, does it?
No. Its not part of the "Machine Control" paradigm.
>I though CC's for those, and pitch whell for varispeed (if Ardour has
Why use MIDI for this ? And no, right now, Ardour does not support
varispeed. It may, I don't know how complex this might be (it was
designed to be easy, but ...). Anyway, you don't want varispeed for
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