Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Re: a multitrack question
From: Jörn Nettingsmeier (
Date: Wed Sep 06 2000 - 02:47:22 EEST
hello dave !
thanks for your reply !
Dave Phillips wrote:
> Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
> > i got the multitrack-2.2 package you prepared, but it would bail out
> > immediately. i was able to find out several library dependancy (is
> > that the correct word ??) problems which i hoped to work around with
> > some extra symbolic links, but no success.
> Make sure that your .multitrack/prefs file ends with something like
> this:
woops. this is probably the multitrack most-faq. i had this setup
before, but
it got lost during a system update. anyway, it merely shifted the
problem to something else:
> Btw, I'm currently unable to run it because the binary wants SVGA libs
> compiled under libc5. Do you happen to have and
> in libc5 versions ? I'd like to obtain them again.
i have always prefered to run multitrack -x, but it wants libc5
(even without svgalib). i tried to fool it into believing glibc was
libc5 with a couple of symbolic links, but no luck. i'll install
suse's libc5 compatibility packages tomorrow and see how it'll turn
if i find libc5 svgalib files, i will make them available for you to
it's quite likely i have them still around. if not, i think i have
the sources. it should be possible to compile them against libc5 w/o
> > to my further discouragement, i saw that suse had taken it out of
> > their distro since 6.1 :(, so obviously even they weren't able to
> > get it running. (or are there license pitfalls i'm unaware of ?)
> The licensing is messed up. My last correspondence with Boris took place
> more than a year ago, and at that time he indicated that he intended to
> place the binary and sources under the GPL. Then he completely
> disappeared. I've had no luck contacting him since then. I don't even
> know if he's still wearing the mortal coil.
too bad. (as an aside: what does this pun "mortal coil" mean exactly
? i got the gist, but i'd just like to know :)
> > is you or anybody else sucessfully running multitrack with a 2.2 or
> > 2.4 kernel and the latest alsa drivers (w/ oss-emu, of course) ?
> Well, if I can get the libvga stuff it should run fine.
> > are there any hopes that boris nagels will be rising from the dead
> > soon ?
> We can only pray... ;)
i wonder which deity is in charge for cases like this ?
saint RMS ?
all the best,
-- Jörn Nettingsmeier Kurfürstenstr. 49 45138 Essen, Germany
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