Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Report from the ICMC
From: Dominique Fober (
Date: Thu Sep 07 2000 - 11:23:36 EEST
I was also to the Berlin ICMC and unfortunately, I didn't know that linux-audio-dev members was also present, missing an opportunity to meet you.
This year, there was also every day, a panel session on different topics, devoted to discussion. Why not proposing such a panel on "linux as a computer music platform" for the next year ICMC. It would be a way to meet all the people interested in linux dev and of course linux-audio-dev.
Next year ICMC will be held in Havana, Cuba on September 18-22, 2001. The conference will be organized by the Laboratorio Nacional de Musica Electroacustica (LNME) in cooperation with the Instituto Cubano de la Musica (ICM). see at
>> Elody (composition environment)
>No mention of a Linux version on their Web site. Any more details ?
Elody is a music composition environment based on a visual functional language, a direct-handling user interface and Internet facilities. It is written in Java and uses the real-time MIDI services of MidiShare.
Elody is running on Linux as the low level native layers (MidiShare, native interface, libraries) has been ported to linux. Unfortunately, up to now we didn't got time to make this version available. we'll make it as soon as possible.
For more information, you can see at
Dominique Fober
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