Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Re: [alsa-devel] Re: [CUD] Csound & ALSA support: a call for assistance
From: Abramo Bagnara (
Date: Tue Sep 12 2000 - 16:53:47 EEST
Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
> [ Markus - please fix your mailer so that it sends regular ASCII text
> instead of a bunch of encoded stuff ]
> >I've hacked Fred Flobergs code to work with my ALSA installation,
> >which is 0.5.8. I've tested both ALSA interfaces, the "block
> >mode" (ALSArtaudio-block.c) and "stream mode"
> >(ALSArtaudio-stream.c), both withthe mode to start transfer, when
> >data is written to the buffer. I use "stream mode"
> >ALSArtaudio-stream.c, because transfer starts immediately without
> >hearable latency, when data is written to the buffer, whereas with
> >"block mode" ALSArtaudio-block.c, sound comes from the speaker with
> >a delay approximately around half a second. Is this the right
> >behaviour of block mode with start_mode=3DSND_PCM_START_DATA ?
> >Shouldn't transfer start after writing the first fragment to the
> >buffer.
Yes, this is the expected behaviour.
> It seems that transfer starts, when the whole buffer is
> >filled, thus causing the latency.
> there are a number of ways of fixing this.
> my favorite method is to fill the buffer with silence, then start it
> via SND_PCM_START_GO and an explicit start call.
I can't understand why you need this... (to tell you the true I can't
understand what do you mean with "explicit start call" too).
-- Abramo Bagnara mailto:abramo_AT_alsa-project.orgOpera Unica Via Emilia Interna, 140 Phone: +39.0546.656023 48014 Castel Bolognese (RA) - Italy Fax: +39.0546.656023
ALSA project is sponsored by SuSE Linux
It sounds good!
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