Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] What about debian tasks? [was: Audio distribution r
From: John Littler (
Date: Sun Sep 17 2000 - 04:38:22 EEST
"Richard A. Smith" <> writes:
> I just checked out m-station. Looks good. (Well the project looks good.. The we
b page
> however has all the links showing up the same color as my background... white.
> Browser=Netscape 4.7 ... This is an MS machine though so it could just be me)
Thanks. Really? it appears with a dark background on mine. I'll look into
> I agree that an m-station product is a good and needed product. However, I still
feel that
> options based on other distributions are very necessary as well. For those of u
s who enjoy
> the installation ease that comes with packages but don't want to give up the sec
urity of
> their favorite dist.
> This is accomplished by users of those distributions who spent the time to figur
e it all out
> and then parlay that back to the general public.
> Now so far there have be 3 debian users that have spoken up and agreed that a de
> would be a useful thing and would like to work on it. Which is plenty enough for
me to feel
> that its creation is justified.
A few people have made the point to me off list that debian
users in general wouldn't have too much difficulty finding
and compiling the necessary apps. m-station hopes to be of
use to people who are less technically skilled with Linux.
Hopefully down the track a bit the whole thing will be
nice enough that experienced Linux people will want to use
it because it's good and works well ... or not!
The stage one CD of ezi-add apps and libs will be a good test of the
level of interest out there. If the interest is limited then
my interest in a full-blown distro will most likely flag
just a little :) People's comments that it is a big job are
not lost on me. I've put a _lot_ of work into it already
and I don't regret one minute of it.
and ....
> Summary: m-station = good;
> "tasks" for other dists = good;
> Squelching either effort = bad;
> more developement on apps = good++;
> nuf said.
absolutely++ :)
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