Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] thoughts on a Linux-audio distribution
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Sun Sep 17 2000 - 06:26:04 EEST
>currently reaching non-Linux savvy musicians. Mackie and Tascam are
>offering 24 track dedicated hard disk recorders.
the word at my local Mackie dealership is that the HDR system will not
ship till the 1st qtr of 2001 !! just think about how much money
they've squandered on ads for a product that isn't even available yet ..
the good news is that it means that version 1.0 of ardour will
probably be released before the HDR becomes available.
>Can a Linux DAW provide this level of simplicity by integrating audio
>functions into a standard distro? Probably, but it might be more
>trouble than it is worth right now (unless your desire includes reason 1
if it can be done, i'll sell you one for about $17,500 or so within
the next 2 years. it will be totally plug-n-play, rack-mounted, no
setup, no configuration. it will support 24-48 channels at 96kHz out
of the box. there will be no command line, no user accounts.
i don't know if it can be done (yet), but i'm working on it.
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