Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Sending samples via MIDI
From: Kevin Hremeviuc (
Date: Sun Sep 17 2000 - 02:53:42 EEST
Hi Alex,
I had a look at doing something similar using a java
gui for sending sysex messages and samples to my Akai
S3200 (currently 1/3rd finished).
Are you trying to use midi sample dumps or the akai
midi sample format? If the latter, then I guess you
have some doco. The doco I have is for several Akai
samplers but not the S2000 specifically. Unfortunately
it's all going to be on the low level side (byte
ordering especially).
If you're trying to do it by scsi and talking straight
to the samplers midi controller, I'd love to know how
you're doing it.
If you want to discuss some specifics about what your
doing with trying to send samples to your S2000, email
mail me direct and we'll see how far we can get.
--- alex <> wrote: >
> I'm trying to send samples to an AKAI S2000 sampler
> using Perl. I am
> sending and receiving MIDI data fine using ALSA
> (using OSS emulation).
> I've had success sending system exclusive data to my
> synthesiser too.
> I have a spec but it's all rather low-level.. I'm
> not familiar with
> samplers at all, so I'm having troubles
> understanding what data I need to
> send and receive, when and where.
> Just wondering if anyone happened to have some
> experience to offer me.
> Feel free to mail me off-list if your reply is not
> linux specific
> (likely).
> I'd alsa be happy to hear from anyone working in a
> similar area.
> Alex
> --
> A member of the state51 conspiracy
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