Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] stream buffering on EVO & pitchbend .... opinions ?
From: Ruben van Royen (
Date: Mon Sep 18 2000 - 17:51:38 EEST
> Ruben van Royen wrote:
> >
> > I own a Roland JV80, and it can pitch bend 48 semitones down (which
> > would not be a problem), and 12 semitones up. I also have an Alesis
> > QS8, which can pitch-bend 12 semitones up/down. So for pitchbend
> > purposes you are completely safe if you limit to 12 semitones.
> Um, doesn't what you just said mean you'd have to support
> 48 + 12 = 60 semitones worth of bending to be equivalent?
No, pitching down means that the sample is played slower, thus relieving the
disk stress. This means that no bound has to be set for pitch-bending
downward. Only bending up increases the stress on the system, and
thus has to be limited.
> In composing / arranging, I've personally had situations which
> called for pitch bends of up to three octaves (48 semitones).
three octaves = 36 semitones :-)
> At the time, unfortunately, I didn't have any hardware or
> software that could do it. :-(
> Just a data point,
> Div.
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