Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Sending samples via MIDI
From: alex (
Date: Wed Sep 20 2000 - 03:24:37 EEST
On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, Frank Neumann wrote:
> Hi,
> alex (what's your last name? :-) wrote:
McLean, if you're feeling formal :)
> Ah..good to see someone else working in this area. :-)
> I do also have an S2000 which I bought last year in December; I
> quickly found that the "MESA" software for Windows that came with it
> is rather unstable (on my system, at least)
I have bad memories of the 'Windows' software that came with one of my
> I admit I haven't made much progress yet, but at least I can already
> get samples from the S2000 over serial-MIDI, and I have started
> looking into MIDI-over-SCSI communication (I can already send
> NoteOn/Off's via SCSI :-).
That's excellent progress..
> What I do have, though, are lots of ideas on my mind what this thing
> could evolve into. :-)
Sounds interesting..
> At SourceForge it's easy to create your own mailing lists for each
> project; maybe it's a good idea to set that up over there. I don't
> know if the traffic here at linux-audio-dev is already at a critical
> level so that some people would rather have such discussions as ours
> be taken somewhere else.
No complaints so it seems we can stay here until we get more momentum.
> PS: I guess you already have the AKAI S2000/1000 etc. MIDI SysEx
> specs, but if not, I have started a private links page which contains
> links to that info (+ a bit more); it is at
I have some specs, I'll compare with yours though.
Sorry about the slow responses, I'm too busy this week (YAPC::Europe Perl
conference and stuff), but will be playing with the AKAI next week. I'll
probably bug you with questions then if that's ok.
-- A member of the state51 conspiracy alex@(|||(vx)? we still love to play with computers
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