Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] stream buffering on EVO & pitchbend .... opinions ?
From: Scott McNab (
Date: Wed Sep 20 2000 - 06:53:42 EEST
Juhana Sadeharju wrote:
> Hello. The sampler could support pre-resampled versions of the sounds.
> The sampler frontend could have operations to generate them.
This is the same concept of mip-mapping of textures in computer graphics.
If you 'mip-mapped' audio samples by generating appropriate filtered
duplicate samples you should be able to pitch-bend up by literally any
number of octaves without any additional load on the disk and without
any audiable artifacts.
With proper filtering to the 'mip-mapped' samples you should be able to
get away with basic linear filtering (or similar) which only look +/- 1
sample or so.
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