Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] What about debian tasks? [was: Audio distribution revisited]
From: Frank Barknecht (
Date: Wed Sep 20 2000 - 11:35:27 EEST
Guenter Geiger hat gesagt: // Guenter Geiger wrote:
> (Is there already a message on debian-devel that I've missed ??? )
No, don't think so. I somehow started this debian thread here with
suggesting a debian task to bundle audio software that lies around somewhere
else. As I am not a debian developer maybe you could check out, what those
other debian maintainers think of this idea.
-- __ __ Frank Barknecht ____ ______ ____ __ trip\ \ / /wire ______ / __// __ /__/ __// // __ \ \/ / __ \\ ___\ / / / ____/ / / / // ____// /\ \\ ___\\____ \ /_/ /_____/ /_/ /_//_____// / \ \\_____\\_____\ /_/ \_\
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