Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] What about debian tasks? [was: Audio distribution revisited]
From: Ruben van Royen (
Date: Wed Sep 20 2000 - 12:17:28 EEST
I recently installed the helix-gnome desktop for a friend of mine. When you
go to the gnome page, download section, they give you very simple instructions
how to download the desktop: become superuser, then do
lynx -source | sh. This executes a shell script that
figures out what system you are using, and in the case it's debian adds a line
to sources.list, apt-get update and apt-get install task-helix-gnome.
This seems simple enough for anybody to do it. And if we wish to support rpms
we simply add support in the script, and everything else is automatic. The
helix-gnome sources are not part of standard debian, probably because they are
not yet stable enough to be included in standard debian. But as soon as a
package is include in standard debian, all that changes is the location of the
package, the rest is automatic.
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