Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Sending samples via MIDI
From: Frank Neumann (
Date: Thu Sep 21 2000 - 12:56:17 EEST
Hi Alex,
you wrote:
> > Hi,
> > alex (what's your last name? :-) wrote:
> McLean, if you're feeling formal :)
I was just asking because in your mail we only saw your first name; you might
want to fix your mailer's settings.
> Sorry about the slow responses, I'm too busy this week (YAPC::Europe Perl
> conference and stuff), but will be playing with the AKAI next week. I'll
> probably bug you with questions then if that's ok.
No problems; I'll try to help if I can. I'll also see if I can fix up my
current sources a bit and package them up in the next days. Right now I'm at
the Linux congress, though, so don't expect an answer before next week.
(Btw, there were no responses to my question if we should arrange a meeting
here at the congress; seems like the audio topic is still of little interest
within the community. :-} Would be nice if we can make something up
e.g. at next year's LinuxTag in Stuttgart, Germany (they'll be offering
free booth space to open source projects again).
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