Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Linux support for IEEE1394 mLAN?
From: Iain Sandoe (
Date: Fri Sep 22 2000 - 15:14:49 EEST
>I vaguely remember seeing 4.5 m as being the maximum, but I also saw a project
> that increased this to 70 m by converting to fiber optic.
4.5m is the max.
The fibre optic sounds interesting.
You can also do a physical layer repeater - they are already for sale (£45
GBP approx. $68) and these (according the manufacturer) can be cascaded for
"up to 236 feet" (70m -ish) from the host...
But, if you have *no* fan in your supercomputer - what's the problem ;-)
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