Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Reverbs... and the usual whinings
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Fri Sep 22 2000 - 16:41:44 EEST
>dropout when half minute audio is completely jumping). Does sound good
>for Steinberg and others if 98% of Linux users has similar system than
>I have.
it would be better to just note that there are no usable recorders for
linux at this time. the fact that people have bad experiences with
unusable software is not really worth noting. actually, i think this
is formally called a tautology :)
>not any older version!). The same thing with audio wave editor: there is
>no editor which has a proper editing tool with crossfades _and_ compiles
>in my not so old Debian.
did you try snd ?
> -A message system for sending commands from any process/thread
> to any other process. For example, I have a waveform drawing service
> in one process --- any future wave editor running in its own process
> should be able to connect to the graphing service. This would be relatively
> easy with threads but my routines will support both threads and processes
> transparently. (I'm using fork() only.)
"struct foo { .... format of message ... }"
{write,read} (pipe[{1,0}], &a_foo, sizeof (foo));
> -A system for forking child processes. With threads, it could be easier
> (but may not be). With processes, we have to carry message systems and
> all that kind of systems with us explicitly. My routines will do it
> transparently.
what ?
>Thus, it should be easy to support more complex object-oriented techniques
>later (in C, that is).
as usual, all my code, including everything associated with a dropout
free, multichannel HDR system, is all available in C++ via CVS. sorry
that you don't like C++ - i can't imagine trying to engineer a system
like ardour or quasimodo without it.
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