Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Reverbs... and the usual whinings
From: Juhana Sadeharju (
Date: Sat Sep 23 2000 - 12:57:28 EEST
>From: Paul Barton-Davis <pbd_AT_Op.Net>
>it would be better to just note that there are no usable recorders for
>linux at this time. the fact that people have bad experiences with
>unusable software is not really worth noting. actually, i think this
>is formally called a tautology :)
In the same context I also thought that only rare people have an opportunity
to use low-latency patches etc. which makes the system reliable.
The way I get always dropouts is to delete a large file (20 Mbytes do fine)
or directory. I'm not sure what are the changes when (i) soft-RT, and then
(ii) low-latency patch are added to the recorder. Could there be problems
even our A/D-to-disk buffer would be 16 Mbytes?
If Ardour supports 2 channels now, I could give a try.
>did you try snd ?
I could not compile it... I have Debian Slink from last fall.
> pipe(2)
> "struct foo { .... format of message ... }"
> {write,read} (pipe[{1,0}], &a_foo, sizeof (foo));
My problem is not at this basic level. The problem is how to make
a message path to child's child or between cousins, and so on.
>free, multichannel HDR system, is all available in C++ via CVS. sorry
>that you don't like C++ - i can't imagine trying to engineer a system
>like ardour or quasimodo without it.
I just have never programmed with C++. Nothing to do with liking and
disliking. Sure C++ has advanced features but nothing which makes it
impossible to implement a HDR or such. Well, you tell me and I will switch
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