Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] What I want, to stop using Windows
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Thu Sep 28 2000 - 00:06:15 EEST
>rate and.I for one would like to see a Firewire version of Creamw_AT_re's
>Pulsar (PCI overflow problems are prevalent here as only SCOPE uses onboard
wait - how can a firewire device access host RAM other than through
the PCI bus ? is there some alternate route to RAM ?
>> 7. A USB MIDI box (run out of slots) that is fast enough to talk to a Mod
>> without karking.
>USB does indeed work nicely under Linux, I'm using a M$ Intellieye under USB
>with full functionality.
yeah, but did you try a MIDI device ? my impression has been that
although "USB support" works, "USB+subsystem support" tends to be poor.
>I'd like to help produce this stuff. I've been thinking about highly modular
>sequencing/synthesis for a while before I discovered LAD and it's turned me
>on to the idea of a completely open architecture. After all, when/if Native
>Instruments/Creamw_AT_re/Nord/Korg go bust, their APIs will doubtless die with
>them... unless they are Open Source... I want to make something as portable
>and futureproof as possible.
>I just looked at MusE. It looks pretty interesting. Does it have an internal
>MIDI subsystem (like MROS)? How about adding a SAOL decoder? As a subset of
>CSound it is widely accepted and would add a great deal of functionality to
>Then MusE would provide the following:
>a) Native plugins (including VST2 plugins via a LADSPA wrapper)
>b) Platform independent synthesis/effects (SAOL)
>c) Complex internal/external midi/audio processing (for instance you could
>write an arpeggiator in SAOL).
yikes. please don't use SAOL. saol was an excellent reformulation of
Csound, but as a general purpose synthesis/fx language, i consider it
to be weak and to have a number of specific defects.
please, please, please take a look at what Quasimodo is *trying* to be
before you start out down another front with this. Quasimodo
represents a huge effort that to the best of my knowledge has not been
duplicated in any other open source project. please don't start
another one with the same goals before carefully examining
Quasimodo. pretty please ?
>We need some kind of metaformat (lets call it MusEML ;-) ) with the
>capability of accurately (but abstractly) describing an audio set up (no
>tall order), and some means for parsing it within the sequencer.
no, lets call it XML with a doctype :)
>SFront is cool - does anybody know of a direct-to-machine code SAOL
>Are potential optimisations lost in the translation to C by SFront/SFX?
>Could one spec up a superior intermediate API for SAOL to machine code
>compilation for which a generic engine and platform-specific API libraries
>(and thus optimisations) could be written?
SAOL could be translated directly into code for a DSP with some real
benefit over a conversion to C first. But for regular processors, its
hard to imagine how you would gain, because the "processor model"
implicit in SAOL is very different than a regular CPU.
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