Subject: [linux-audio-dev] [ot] in like a lion, out like a dorkbot
From: douglas irving repetto (
Date: Tue Apr 03 2001 - 21:17:25 EEST
okay, get your your pleather pants, it's dorkbot time again.
the next dorkbotnyc meeting will take place at precisely 7pm on
wednesday april 4th, 2001 at the columbia university computer music
center. directions and info at:
up this month:
Scary Squeezable Blobs:
Andrea Urist will present some of her wacky electronic instruments. see: for more info.
Mark McNamara:
proposal toward the 360 degree interactive theater
Dan Trueman:
dan will demonstrate and perform his Bowed-Sensor-Speaker-Array, an
experimental instrument that combines a
variety of sensor instruments inspired by the violin (sensor
fingerboard, bow, and bridge) with a
multi-channel spherical speaker array. see for more information.
plus joshua will give us another chance to see his popcorn->morsecode
translator in action!
see you there.
........dorkbotnyc: people doing strange things with electricity........
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