Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] ladspa GUI round 2
From: Paul Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Mon Apr 02 2001 - 05:37:54 EEST
>I am not familiar with OSC in anyway, I just wan't to raise the
>question. Browsing the homepage the first thing that hits me is UDP,
>network support... I read somewhere that OSC is link/bearer
>transparent, thus it might not be applicable, but are you guys shure
>OSC is the right thing, seems to me like it 's over qualified? In
>other areas of this sound-platform discussion the talk has been based
>very much around computer centric solutions. Everything in two or
>three processes eg...Network has been dubbed to slow for
>instance... Does the scope of OSC really fit the bill?
networks are too slow for moving audio around in the context of
real-time low latency applications, but they work just fine for
delivering control messages from GUI's and other forms of control
systems. given that the real link here is the user's control of an
input device, the network latency issues aren't really much of an
OSC is (seems to me?) the bee's knees for this kind of thing, and
unlike many attempts at such things (MIDI springs to mind) it has the
hallmarks of academia all over it. while i normally guffaw over such
things (having spent more than half my working life in such places),
this is one of those areas where the emphasis on a well-researched and
well-discussed idea is more important than the speed at which it was
developed (often glacial in .edu establishments).
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