Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] ladspa GUI round 2
From: Paul Sladen (
Date: Wed Apr 04 2001 - 18:49:23 EEST
On Sat, 31 Mar 2001, Stefan Kersten wrote:
> I think the problem is that when you want a GUI comparable to
> plugin GUIs on Windows (read: VST plugins) you will have to do a
> good amount of work anyway; sliders is one example: they look ugly
> in just about _any_ toolkit (MacOS sliders are cool though :), and
> when looking for custom controls like knobs, waveform editors or
> envelope displays your favorite toolkit will leave you pretty much
> alone.
[OT] I was watching a Open University Program last night, and amongst the
shots of various computers (several Sparc5s, so I guess it was made
1995/96ish) there were several dialogues that features scrollbars like so:
I +----+--------------------------+----+ I
I | >> | | << | I
I +----+--------------------------+----+ I
(Notice the direction of the arrows). You grabed the arrows of the start
and end of the `selection bar' to change it's length. Of couse, you could
also click and drag the `main' bit of the bar to move the whole selection.
I thought it rocked, never (don't think anyway) seen one anywhere else.
-- e: t: 0115 922 7162
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