Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] lad archive down
From: Jörn Nettingsmeier (
Date: Tue Apr 17 2001 - 01:52:37 EEST
Dave Phillips wrote:
> Benno Senoner wrote:
> > I (and many other LADers) would sleep more comfortably if at least a few
> > of the (active) members has access to the list of email addresses, just in case
> > something should go wrong.
> >
> > You know building communities is not easy, and loosing these great people on
> > the list would be really sad.
> >
> > Can someone try to contact the list maintainer in order to try to work out
> > something ?
> I've forwarded this message to Jean Piche. Jean is probably in a better
> position to find that information than anyone else.
> For a while now I've wondered whether we shouldn't move LAD to another
> site. Nothing wrong with ginette, Jean (and UMontreal) has been very
> generous in allowing us to flourish there, but perhaps the list needs
> some more active maintenance ?
> Opinions ?
i'd like to see somebody take care of problems, and maybe add
subscription info (either as an additional header or an end note
like on musicdsp) to the postings.
plus i'd like up-to-date information about the number of
subscribers, to have a member-counter on the LAD pages. (something
like cron wc -l linux-audio-dev.list > /usr/local/ftp/pub/lad_count)
i'd volunteer to take over the job. but i don't have a good enough
server. while i could ask the folks at my hochschule, we only have
one non-redundant 2 mbps link and only a part-time systems admin,
and things have been pretty haywire in the past....
does someone have bandwidth to spare ? if i can have ssh access, i
will do the actual work.
> Best regards,
> == Dave Phillips
> The Book Of Linux Music & Sound at
> The Linux Soundapps Site at
-- Jörn Nettingsmeier home://Kurfürstenstr.49.45138.Essen.Germany phone://+49.201.491621
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