Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] new LAD host ? [was:Re: lad archive down]
From: Richard Dobson (
Date: Tue Apr 17 2001 - 12:51:21 EEST
I have little enthusiasm for sourceforge myself. It seems to have a low
content/eye-candy ratio, and from here, the far side of The Pond,
hanging off a 56K modem, it can be veeery slooow.
Richard Dobson
> otoh, erik steffl suggested going to sourceforge.
> while i have absolutely nothing against them, i don't feel the urge
> to host everything that's remotely open-source on sourceforge - what
> if va linux drops out of business ?
> plus they seem to be somewhat slow to respond to problem reports (no
> wonder given the number of projects they host - i really don't blame
> them, they're providing a great service).
> still, a university server like would be my
> preference.
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