Subject: RE: [linux-audio-dev] sound API libraries, servers, etc.
Date: Fri Apr 20 2001 - 13:03:14 EEST
> aRts, having been adopted by at least KDE, is a good target for
> applications not requiring low latency/high performance. its robust,
> extremely flexible, and provides many services that may prove useful
> as applications expand in scope.
> if aRts could adopt the model that AES uses for h/w access and offer
> in-process clients, i would be happy to recommend aRts for
> everything. in the meantime, either of these solutions is a better
> long term solution for people wanting to write device-independent and
> device-API-independent applications.
> and if neither of them satisfy, then i strongly urge all members of
> this list (*LINUX* audio development) to use ALSA natively, not
> re-wrapped in another library.
And as a pure but nevertheless funny and interesting coincidence, aRts is
just about being integrated into Gnome. Now THAT may be a small revolution,
if it gets real.
Besides, don't you think that there are two flavours of doing audio ?
A dedicated app which must have the BEST performance without any droupouts,
and in that way
a raw api like alsa is perfect (I was thinking about HDrecording, live
performance), and a desktop server for notifications, music, games, ...
which may have droupouts but should be integrated and simple to use. I think
they serve different purpose. Of course, having both would be delightful,
but I think aRts is not optimized enough to be said lightweight right now,
but maybe I'm misinformed, given the pace of KDE and its focus on 2.2
multimedia enhancements.
An url for the GTK/GNOME aRts integration :
These are not my employer's view, but mine. Only its mail account.
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