Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAAGA - main components
From: Kai Vehmanen (
Date: Mon Apr 30 2001 - 12:56:40 EEST
On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, Abramo Bagnara wrote:
>> Indeed. I just hope that we can get other to join in. For instance, Stefan
>> and Abramo, how these plans seem like from your perspective? Do think
> Don't you think that asking to compare an existing thing with a not
> existing, relatively undefined one it's a bit weird? ;-)
Well, at least it's easier. You know, I can change my API a lot faster
than you can. ;)
> I'm a bit confused about what LAAGA would/will be.
I've been flooding LAD with so much vapourware during the last few days,
so I guess it's this time best to point you to Paul's current Ardour/AES
implementation. Basicly: "Loading a whole audio app as a plugin to another
app" -> "TerminatorX as in-process plugin to Ardour".
> aserver is an application that permit to access in a very effective way
> (shm transport protocol, direct mapping of server things, etc.) devices
> (or pseudo devices) from different applications using the alsa-lib API.
Ah, this is interesting. You haven't said much about aserver before this,
so this comes as a nice suprise. So basicly we have an already working
shm-based process-to-process solution, with ALSA PCM-interface to the
client app side. With this and aRts available, there doesn't seem to be
need for "LAAGA stub client" (3) I mentioned earlier.
Btw; Is the aserver API also frozen?
-- Audio software for Linux!
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