Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Passing more than just sample data
From: Vincent Touquet (
Date: Sat May 19 2001 - 20:08:01 EEST
I just saw a comment about using SKINI a few days ago I think.
Now I read the specs and even tried some testprogram and it actually
looks very useful.
IMHO there should definitely also be a means to pass other data than
sample data to the plugins.
And if we also would allow MIDI, then SKINI seems far better (less obscure)
1. Has this question already been adressed ?
2. Does this question intefere with our objectives to keep everything
simple ?
3. Maybe it even intereferes with low latency (parsing more non dsp data
will cause overhead)
So maybe we should leave this kind of stuff to whatever application
program is using LAAGA
Please feel free kick me if I'm wrong :)
Now a totally different question:
Plugins can rely on past data (as most filters)
Now how do we fit it in if we pass the samples along in blocks ?
When we pass the computed fresh samples to the output, there must be a
means for the plugin to rely on this computed data in the next cycle.
Keeping an extra buffer per plugin seems not such a good idea ?
I think this problem is easily solved: you can use the pointer to the
output buffer in the next cycle, because whatever data you computed in
the previous cycle will still be there I think ...
Any comments on that ?
Kind Regards
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