Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Soundfont synthesizer (Was: LinuxTag 2001)
From: Dave Phillips (
Date: Wed May 23 2001 - 18:50:10 EEST
Peter Hanappe wrote:
> I couldn't resist replying to this mail. It seemed like a good opportunity
> to bring out the soundfont synthesizer I've been working on.
> It's 100% software and implements most of the SF2 specification.
> It's still in early development stages and the TODO list is still pretty long
> but it should compile and run. If anyone is willing to try it out, I've quickly
> put together a release and a web page at
> It currently uses Alsa 0.9 but an OSS version will be ready soon.
Peter, I couldn't get it working under ALSA 0.9-beta4. It appears to be
working (I see the messages for the MIDI note-ons), but I got no sound
at all. The build fails with ALSA 0.5.9d, even though configure looks
for ALSA >= 0.5.9. I'l try again as soon as you've added OSS support (I
had other issues with ALSA 0.9. beta4 so I've reverted to 0.5.9d).
Btw, do you mind if I add iiwusynth to the Linux Soundapps site ?
Best regards,
== Dave Phillips
The Book Of Linux Music & Sound at
The Linux Soundapps Site at
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