Subject: [linux-audio-dev] gui/thread/toolkit issues
From: Paul Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Thu May 17 2001 - 17:30:17 EEST
>There mmay be a solution GUI wise in the multithreaded model:
>You can have each gui in a thread with its own select loop and XWindow
Sebastien, since you said you were relatively new to LAD, you probably
don't know that we've thrashed that issue to death in connection with
GUI's for LADSPA. The basic conclusion is that it cannot be
done. There are slightly more complicated conclusions, but its not
clear they are worth pursuing.
>I got no answer about the driver server model I proposed earlier. Was it
>really THAT stupid? ;-)
i read it as a restatement, more or less, of abramo's original
thoughts on the matter. nothing in it is wrong, but the devil is in
the details, and thats what we've been discussing here for the last
week or so.
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