Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] [ADMIN] Start spreading the news....
From: Frank Neumann (
Date: Wed May 23 2001 - 19:35:04 EEST
today Jörn wrote:
> **********************************************************
> * Finally, we're moving. *
> * Goodbye Montreal, thanks to Alex Burton for 3 yrs. *
> * of maintenance. *
> * Thanks also to Douglas Repetto for providing a new *
> * host at Columbia University, NYC. *
> * *
> * The new address is: *
> **********************************************************
Thanks a lot for this, both to you for organizing this, and to Douglas
for providing the new service. I think it's just a good feeling that now
we're again on a ship "with a captain aboard".
I sent this mail to the new address (only), now let's see if it comes
back to me..
> dap dap daaabadap
> dap dap daaabadap
> dap dap daaadadap
I admit it took me a few seconds to understand this. :-)
Thanks again,
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